Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Enhance your hair colour with tea or coffee

A few months ago I started having allergic reactions to brown hair dyes both permanent and non- permanent. I've dyed my hair for years and had been fine but since I had the first allergic reaction a few months ago, even if I use dyes I'd previously used I still get reactions they go within a day or 2 but it isn't worth the risk.

In the past iv seen posts about dying your hair naturally with tea and coffee and never thought to try it because it seemed messy and time consuming and the results were always so subtle but I decided to give it ago my self but I haven't followed the instructions completely iv just done it my own way to make it a bit easier for me.

I just want to make my hair look a bit more rich because it's looking very dull, and the caffeine in coffee is good for hair growth aswel.
I put 5 teabags in boiling water and added 2 spoonfuls of coffee then left it about 20 mins in the fridge to cool (make sure you test the temperature with your finger before you put on your hair.)
Then I decided to also make a coffee conditioning mask so I mixed 5 spoonfuls of coffee with a few spoonfuls of the black tea and a few pumps of conditioner and stirred by the end I think I used about 10 pumps of conditioner.

First I tipped the tea onto my hair this was very messy and harder than i thought it would be it was just dripping off and going everywhere so I was glad I also made the coffee mask because it would be easier to apply to my hair than the tea because it's thicker because of the conditioner.
Me with the tea in my hair, as you can see It just looks like I wet my hair so I don't know if it would have done anything, I  only left it on for 10 mins before applying the coffee conditioner mask straight on top of it.
I also got it on my face as you can see in the pic.
I left the coffe hair mask on for about 30 mins then washed It out with shampoo and conditioner.

Left: before.  Right: after
There's not really much difference in the colour but my hair did feel really soft afterwards, and in person it looked like some of the colours in my hair stood out more.

Then I curled the ends of my hair aswel

Then I decided to plait bits of my hair to make it look like a headband

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