Saturday, 24 May 2014

Mac, chanel, and victoria secret haul

Mac, chanel & victoria secret haulI went to Trafford centre today and baught a fee things so I thought I'd do a haul because I like seeing them so I thought somebody might like to see mine :)

I went to victoria secret and selfridges
Above: natural light. Below: with flash
Firstly I went to selfridges and went to the mac counter and fell in love with the packaging of the 'alluring aquatic' collection but most of the stuff was sold out but I got a bronzer 'refined golden'
I love how how the packaging looks like it's just come out of water and the bronzer it's self is really nice aswel.
(Left to right: Mac refined golden bronzer, mac sweet as cocoa blush, peaches blush chanel lipstick 76 sari dore' 

After I got the bronzer from mac I went to look at the lipsticks I found 3 I wanted but the makeup artist at mac said they were all out of stock so I went to look at the blushers and got 'sweet as cocoa' wich is a gorgeous bronzey blush perfect for summer, then 'peaches' wich iv wanted for a wile so decided to get it.
Then I was looking at the other makeup counters but there wasn't really anything I could think of that I wanted so I went over to chanel for a new lipstick and immediately picked rouge coco hydrating creme lip colour 'sari doré' wich looks orange in the tube but looks more peachy on my lips, the lovely makeup artist at chanel tried it on me then she said it really compliments my skin tone and you know when they give you compliments you end up buying the product lol so I got that.

Then I went to victoria secret because I had ran out of my favourite body wash and body spray from there 'pure seduction' and I was gonna get the full sizes but I saw a mini set wich came with a cute makeup bag so even though I already have too many makeup bags I decided to get it anyway because I loved this 1 maybe even more than all my others.
You get the pure seduction body lotion, pure seduction body wash and pure seduction body spray all 125 ml so not too small, and you get the really cute makeup bag gold leapord print with neon pink victoria secret logo and neon pink lining and back and bottom and gold zip perfect summery makeup bag I can't wait to use it.


  1. Lol you have Melba and you still want peaches, I have peaches and I still want melba I bet we will both end up getting the other even though they're similar xxx
