Yesterday I nipped to town because I wanted to try the bourjois healthy mix serum and I ended up picking up another couple of things aswel.
Bourjois healthy mix serum
Bourjois healthy balance powder
Marc jacobs leather makeup bag/clutch
Below pic (with flash)
I was in tkmax looking for a leather makeup bag because I decided I wanted one and I saw 2 I liked they were both black, one was similar style to this one flat, and the other one was smaller but a bit bulkier then I carried on looking and I spotted this and at first I wasn't sure if it was leather but I checked the label inside and it said 100% leather and I like how it kind of looks sparkly when it hits the light, it came in a box but I got rid of the box straight away so I could fit it in my bag, in the box it said $69 but it was only £20 wich is the same price as one of the makeup bags I was gonna get so I thought I may aswel get this one wilts it's marc jacobs and it fits lots of makeup in it aswel il probably be doing another whats in my makeup bag posts soon since iv started using quite a few different makeup products recently.

I tried these to products this morning and I love them both.
The healthy mix serum is light coverage but I think you could apply another layer to make it medium coverage if needed and it would still look natural, it's supposed to last 16 hours, I don't think it would last that long on me but iv had it on around 10 hours and to be fair it's lasted pretty well it's lasted a lot longer than the loreal lumi foundation because I find I have to reapply in certain areas after a few hours so I now prefer the bourjois one purely for the lasting power of it and it still looks nice and glowy like the loreal lumi foundation.
I also tried the bourjois healthy balance powder and I really like that too so far it's hard to tell in one day with powders, it reminds me of the chanel les beiges but of say the bourjois has a bit more coverage than the chanel.